
The marriage of two bodies of knowledge.

Somatic Release Technique (SRT)

is a body-focused form of inquiry wherein through gentle tracking and observation of sensation, the language of the nervous system, we have an opportunity to both illuminate and release stuck energy in the body woven with memories, emotions, trauma, and belief systems. Spontaneous discharge in sessions often visits through: shaking, yawning, trembling, crying, laughing, sweating, and deep relaxation, and is an indicator of the activation and immobility responses resolving in the sympathetic and parasympathetic nervous systems respectively. Video 1. Video 2.

Psychoneuroenergetics (PNE)

Through sustained pressure on distinct points, primarily GB 20 where the vagus nerve exits the skull, we’re able to work deeply with the unconscious origins of belief systems, unravel granthis*, and reveal the cohesive easeful tapestry beneath. By reawakening the natural relationship between the neocortex, amygdala, and the brain stem, self regulation reveals itself. These three brains in harmony can bring about a profound shift in consciousness. Limiting thought patterns and long-buried feelings now have the opportunity to alchemize. Vagus nerve stimulation is known to provide immense stress relief. Article. Article. Recommended app.

This method of untangling the nervous system is influenced by Dr. Peter Levine, the study and research of Dr. Steven Porges’s Polyvagal Theory, Dr. Stanley Rosenberg’s vagal regulation techniques as taught by his protègè, Thor Philipsen, the psychology of Transactional Analysis and ultimately Non-duality.

* “The Sanskrit word granthi means “knot” or “doubt” and also means “an especially difficult knot to untie.” Granthi in spiritual practice are psychological or psychic barriers to total freedom. Granthis prevent prana from moving freely up sushumna nadiGranthi bind the soul; they lock us to our misperception of reality (avidya) and self (asmita). They hold us to our preferences (raga and dvesha) and root us in fear of death (abhinivesha). Knowledge (jnana) is a key component to transcend fear, and together with action (karma) they give wings to our spiritual desires – the rise of Kundalini.” Article.